Friday, March 20, 2009

Sun and sand

We haven’t brought our camera out in a while. Despite trying to travel light, we always have our hands full and end up leaving our camera at home. And after putting this all together it suddenly struck me that Caitlin hardly has any pictures taken outdoors.

KM was on leave and we spent the morning at the beach at East Coast Park. Usually the sand keeps the Ellie busy so we get sometime just to chill out. The weather was great and the beach was relatively quiet. But with Caitlin all grown up she kept us busy by continually stuffing sand and shells into her mouth. The beach could also have been cleaner. Why don’t people pick up after themselves. I just hope she doesn’t come down with something nasty.

1 comment:

  1. daddy and daughter pics are always so precious. how fast they grow. (awsome tent, by the way).

    Comment by ching — March 21, 2009 @ 2:23 am
