Everytime I want to blog and have the time to, something happens. Yesterday, the server was down or just too slow. And today the USB port just wasn’t working well. By the time I get down to anything serious I am either too tired or some one wakes up. Maybe I should switch to blogger or try to streamline the downloading process. I don’t know.
Anyway yesterday marked a turning point in growing up. Ellie that is. For the first time in a long time, I left the house with Ellie awake to go for a course. KM babysat, spent the morning with Ellie, and when I left Ellie hardly fussed, didn’t cry, said a decent goodbye, and I was on my way. Sounds like nothing great, but definately a big step. I used to have to run out when Ellie was asleep or have to deal with hysterics, or a babysitter calling halfway. The next step would be KM and I both leaving the house together leaving Ellie with the grandmothers at home. So far the grandmothers have had to take Ellie out before we leave. And Ellie played big sister when KM babysat- helping to feed Caitlin, playing on her own a lot, going into the room to nap all on her own. I was so please to hear that everything went well. Of course Ellie took great pride in reporting that she tried to “squash meimei” but that by all accounts was nothing major.
Anyway yesterday marked a turning point in growing up. Ellie that is. For the first time in a long time, I left the house with Ellie awake to go for a course. KM babysat, spent the morning with Ellie, and when I left Ellie hardly fussed, didn’t cry, said a decent goodbye, and I was on my way. Sounds like nothing great, but definately a big step. I used to have to run out when Ellie was asleep or have to deal with hysterics, or a babysitter calling halfway. The next step would be KM and I both leaving the house together leaving Ellie with the grandmothers at home. So far the grandmothers have had to take Ellie out before we leave. And Ellie played big sister when KM babysat- helping to feed Caitlin, playing on her own a lot, going into the room to nap all on her own. I was so please to hear that everything went well. Of course Ellie took great pride in reporting that she tried to “squash meimei” but that by all accounts was nothing major.
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